Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Summer 2009 - when the clubs were just a little too big…

Daddy! look what I found!

Once upon a time in an unassuming garden in Hertfordshire, a golf obsessed father lay his trusty seven iron on the floor and nipped inside to answer a phone call on the land line. As is usual with daytime calls, it was a cold call from an automated sales system, and thus quickly cut off. However in that small space of time, an even smaller set of hands had found the resting golf club and had begun attempting to a hit the little white ball in the somewhat larger white net, the little monkey also, (perhaps inadvertently) had managed a little hedge trimming in the process. Naturally the aforementioned father was both impressed (as the ball had left the floor) and more than a little concerned. After all, a two half year old with a full size golf club and a ear to ear grin is a recipe for white hairs and signs of early ageing to appear…A situation only made worse by the fact that the plastic ELC set and foam practice balls, now lay truly abandoned in favor of this new weapon of mass garden destruction… Golf it seemed was now on the list of back garden activities… and for rainy days, (a common phenomenon in the UK) Tiger Woods 2007 on the PS2 proved to be the ‘obvious’ alternative.
No more Plastic Clubs for meeeeeeee

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