Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spring 2012 - Party Golf

Glen bringing order to the chaos!

Have you ever had that fear of what to do for your Childs 5th birthday? It’s there first year at school and you know they are going to invite half the class? Well being that both his parents are somewhat of a disaster when it comes to organization, we hit upon the perfect solution…
A party at the golf club consisting of 3 cunningly planned stages...
1. A room full of balloons,
2. A trip to the range for group ‘lesson’
3. Jelly and ice cream for afters.. (tea and coffee for the grown ups of course)
Strangely it all went rather well, which leaves us with the question of what on earth will we do next year! Special thanks have to go to the two brave souls (Glen and Tara) who successfully dealt with/managed the gaggle of excitable, club wielding youngsters.

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