Thursday, February 28, 2013

Late Autumn 2012 - Holiday Hits

A little WABOOOOF practice on the range.

Do you find that holidays with children predominately involve beaches, pools and that usual parental game of finding food the fussy short ones will actually eat? In our case that latter usually means something that bears a resemblance to Nannies cooking or chips & chocolate and once again this proved to be true..
This time however we had the added dimension of a spot of golf in the sun. Of course golf in the sun in the U.K. and golf in the sun nearer the equator are to very different endeavors…  None the less, WABOOOOFS and plerdonks were aplenty and the slightly exaggerated number of tippy tappys on the tricky green at the ninth and final hole, was understandably forgivable in the slightly warmer climate. Fizzy drinks and chocolate however provided the cure, and paved the way to sight seeing and a deserved splash in the pool.

The Ninth on the Faldo course proves a good finishing point! Now wheres that pool?

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