Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Summer 2012 - Getting in the Swing

After a promising start to the league, 4th in the Gross competition of the first event, things looked rosy, but a couple of lower finishes 8th and 9th  followed. Not perturbed the little golfer spent some more WABOOOFING time on the range, and slowly the distance travel by the little white projectile began to increase, as did the general sounds of excitement made by the launcher controller.. 
After three events, he was still on a local Competition Handicap of 27 – (the Max). Though when we asked him if he would win the chirpy chap responded with a cheeky ‘Of course I will daddy…” that told me then it seemed. So with The now infamous ‘George Pig’ shirt washed and ironed, we waited for the next round with some excitement.

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