Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2015 Winter – Cold yet promising

Aaron's new 'Fashion' statement....Plus a wee trophy
Despite the previous year being a near copy of 2013, with regards to improvement the shortmans enthusiasm has clearly not dwindled. The weather in January was not overly supportive of outside activity and as such practice was consigned to the range and putting green. As January rolled into February the Mill green monthly medal appeared on the calendar and proved a fine opportunity to try out the new clubs (he had been growing again!) The new clubs proved a bit tricky to handle at first but he settled into the round and despite some strugglesome putting managed to ‘knick’ 2nd spot in his division and shave a couple off his handicap. Generally happy with himself, his message to the big people was “This year I will win five medals and a trophy,” all said with a seriously serious totally must be, believed face…  

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