Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2015 – May / June – Hit, Miss & Maybe

The immediate reaction to the ‘greater involvement initiative’ was positive, a steady 36 at the Lannock link event, Gross winner in his age category and a happy golfer t’boot. Later that day he took on his second County event on the futures tour and posted a slightly higher 40 on the shorter yet ‘sneaky’ tree lined Stevenage course, though not brilliant it earned him a handicap cut and not a bad effort for a first time at the new course and second round of the day. A second bash at the Main course nine holes saw another win and his handicap cut buy a staggering 8! Sadly however this was to be the high point of the period. One week later in nasty wet weather for June he posted an equally nasty 51 (arghhhhh – Aarons exact words…)  followed a week later by a semi recovery 42 back on the links, only to undo his good works with a 49 at the Shire London’s academy course.. shades of the last two years were beginning to colour the scene. Things were not at their best and perhaps his various tour handicaps reflected this.
Lannock links =  11 (Up 3 from a year ago)
Tigers  = 17
Futures  = 31
Main course = 40

Again however the cheeky chaps enthusiasm for ‘beating the course’ remained and as such more mini golfer vs the course were planned + much, much more practice.

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