Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter 2012 – Awards Night…

It’s all a bit of a buzz at the Evans household as the clan prepare to descend on the end of season awards night, with none of us really knowing what to expect. Upon arrival the mayhem begins almost immediately, Mini-me’s eye light up as he notices balloons on the table, crackers and a job load of party poppers. Plus these dozens of other kids also enjoying the mayhem. mind you some of those ‘kids’ were definitely  not in the junior section...(Daddy included). After a festive feed, the Wee man, along with all the other medal & trophy recipients, happily got his little mitts on the Order of merit trophy. As is customary, the last word on proceedings went to the little guy, who never being on to undervalue himself, told mummy and daddy (With a cheeky-yet-serious expression) “I very proud of me.”

The cheeky chappie armed with trophy and medals..

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