Saturday, March 16, 2013

Christmas – New Year 2012… Chilly but still playing

The shocking thing about the south of England is that the weather can actually remain good enough for golf even when the rest of the country is covered in that funny white cold stuff, which falls from the sky and sends the place into chaos. Any how, the Wee man managed two quite remarkable rounds during this particular period, the first being on the Par 3 course.. It’s His first time out  since the ‘Sniffy nose day slump.’ When asked if he would do better he nodded and gave the usual “Of course I will daddy” before making good the threat and scoring a useful 50pts on the competition system which equates to a not to shabby score of 42 in real terms. This included a cheeky Birdie 2 on the short 7th. Not content with that, he took on the front 9 on the ‘Big’ course and carded a quite amazing 60 off the reds! Looks like uncle’s George and Pete best polish up their game! 


  1. Hows his game now that he has recovered from the broken arm?

  2. We're not yet sure.. He's had a few putting lessons, but the test is on the 24th when he starts the defense of his No 1 Status. (Under Uncle Pete's guidance, could be interesting!)We'll keep you posted!
