Monday, March 18, 2013

Winter 2013 – DISASTER!!

When you were a kid, there was always that one toy your parents hated wasn't there, whether it be the tatty old teddy you took everywhere with you, the Thomas the tank engine that learn how to fly, the football that repeatedly  ruined next doors hydrangea etc etc… in the short mans case we have the curse of the bouncy hopper. Though to be honest the broadly grinning evil face on the front of thing should give away the heart of darkness lurking within that bloated air filled belly. One bounce to far and whoops there’s a fractured collar bone! An incident which put paid to any golf for nearly two months. Though on the flip side, the weathers been a little to rough for a game round our way so he’s not been missing out that much.. Now with only a week left before the competition season starts and a (hopefully) healed collar bone we wait to see what he’s got up his (thermal) sleeve…Well win or lose we hope he does his best, has fun and finds time to come out with a few more words of ‘Short man’ wisdom…

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Christmas – New Year 2012… Chilly but still playing

The shocking thing about the south of England is that the weather can actually remain good enough for golf even when the rest of the country is covered in that funny white cold stuff, which falls from the sky and sends the place into chaos. Any how, the Wee man managed two quite remarkable rounds during this particular period, the first being on the Par 3 course.. It’s His first time out  since the ‘Sniffy nose day slump.’ When asked if he would do better he nodded and gave the usual “Of course I will daddy” before making good the threat and scoring a useful 50pts on the competition system which equates to a not to shabby score of 42 in real terms. This included a cheeky Birdie 2 on the short 7th. Not content with that, he took on the front 9 on the ‘Big’ course and carded a quite amazing 60 off the reds! Looks like uncle’s George and Pete best polish up their game! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter 2012 – Awards Night…

It’s all a bit of a buzz at the Evans household as the clan prepare to descend on the end of season awards night, with none of us really knowing what to expect. Upon arrival the mayhem begins almost immediately, Mini-me’s eye light up as he notices balloons on the table, crackers and a job load of party poppers. Plus these dozens of other kids also enjoying the mayhem. mind you some of those ‘kids’ were definitely  not in the junior section...(Daddy included). After a festive feed, the Wee man, along with all the other medal & trophy recipients, happily got his little mitts on the Order of merit trophy. As is customary, the last word on proceedings went to the little guy, who never being on to undervalue himself, told mummy and daddy (With a cheeky-yet-serious expression) “I very proud of me.”

The cheeky chappie armed with trophy and medals..

Later Autumn 2012 - League round up....

Despite his slow start in the world of competitive golf the wee man  puts in a pretty good shift for his first season. Despite missing out on a first place in any of the competitions his relatively stead display (Marred only by a sniffy nose day on his last match in darkest November) earned him three medals 2 Silver and 1 bronze and much to the coaching teams surprise, he sneaked the number one spot on the leagues order of merit for his age group. Well done the Wee man.
Thus this seasons results were as follows

25th March
6th May
20th May
10th June
8th July
15th August
7th October
11th November
25th November

Time to book a table at this years awards dinner then! (Though we’ll be leaving the George Pig shirt behind this time me thinks…)