Sunday, October 18, 2015

2014 – Oct /Nov – The Autumn of Discontent

Another ‘learning curve’ event was encountered during these two months revolving around the fact that golf is an infuriating game. After the rise, comes the fall.. Two round in October and nothing good to report, rolling round the local (par 3) course in 40/41 did little to back up his recent good work. The clubs travelled on holiday with us to sunny Dubai and fun was had on a few courses (including a cheeky nine on the Montgomery.) Sadly we had to return to the not so sunny shores of the Britannic Isles and equally as sadly his score continued their downward trend.. Recording his worst score of the year in the final Lannock’s link event, shooting a staggeringly bad 49… OUCH! Oh well at least the holiday was fun….

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