Friday, June 28, 2013

Early Summer 2013 – Big Golf .. the full 18.

On the back of his maiden “W” and somewhat renewed interest in white ball bashing a trip to the ‘big course’ was once again in order. So on a suitably sunny Friday after school, Wee man and daddy pack up the clubs and hit a twilight session with the intention of taking on the front 9. As usual the cheeky chap was not put of by distance and went about the course in the usual fashion we hired a buggy because it’s a long way to walk, and then he spends more time running around the course than sitting in the buggy…Any how after a none to shabby 65 on the front nine, which include a Par for the audience at the 125 Par 3 ninth ….(daddy bogied it…)  he looked up and said can we do three more holes…Later at the end of the twelfth the question pops up again and given that we weren't doing bad for time we pressed on, completing the 18th dead on 4 hours from tee off. Final score for the full 18 stood at 131… Any thoughts of the wee man being tired after this completing this feat however, were soon quashed when we were handing the buggy keys in and daddy is thinking about his dinner, a little voice piped up, “Can we do 50 on the range daddy.” ………..Unbelievable!!!


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