Monday, September 16, 2013

Early Autumn 2013 – Operation Foxhills.....

No fear on the first tee!

Given recent highs and lows of the Wee golfer, the trip to Foxhills was undertaken with a pensive air. The early signs were not the most encouraging either. Arriving the day before to have a cheeky look at the test ahead Family E took on the interesting looking nine holes and the Short man set about finding just about every bunker, ditch and tree in true adventure seeker style (Daddy wasn’t much better). After a wee stop for lunch we decided to revisit the scenes of our worst crimes and to some relief things improved. The following day arrived and annoyingly so did the rain! However as soon as it came to pre match Photo time the clouds began to thin and the little golfer / showman began to emerge. With the good shots from the day before firmly loaded into his little noggin, the battle of Short man Vs course began. It was as ever a round of highs and lows, but eventually all lead to a tense presentation in the club house. After a plate of chicken and chips and what seemed like the longest five minutes ever, the winner of the Tiger club Championships 6 & under was reviled to be …….Aaron Evans, needless to say he didn’t waste any time rushing off to get his little mitts on the prize!

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