Thursday, February 28, 2013

Late Autumn 2012 - Holiday Hits

A little WABOOOOF practice on the range.

Do you find that holidays with children predominately involve beaches, pools and that usual parental game of finding food the fussy short ones will actually eat? In our case that latter usually means something that bears a resemblance to Nannies cooking or chips & chocolate and once again this proved to be true..
This time however we had the added dimension of a spot of golf in the sun. Of course golf in the sun in the U.K. and golf in the sun nearer the equator are to very different endeavors…  None the less, WABOOOOFS and plerdonks were aplenty and the slightly exaggerated number of tippy tappys on the tricky green at the ninth and final hole, was understandably forgivable in the slightly warmer climate. Fizzy drinks and chocolate however provided the cure, and paved the way to sight seeing and a deserved splash in the pool.

The Ninth on the Faldo course proves a good finishing point! Now wheres that pool?

Autumn 2012 - Big Golf

After a string of improved results in the cubs league 5th, 2nd & 4th (George Pig was involved…) The little guy showed some interest in the course the big people played on. Sadly for Daddy and Uncle’s Pete and Max the shots he witnessed us play of the first tee, were not exactly our best..
One week later he took the plunge and took on Chesfield’s front nine with the big people.. all in all a 72 on his first ever front nine was quite creditable, even more so was the fact he didn’t even lose a ball in the dodgy water guarded 3rd. The highlight of the day was watching his Uncle Pete sweating to make bogey on the short par 4 seventh. This putt was required in order to avoid losing that hole to the wee man. In the aftermath if this inaugural round, Shorty went on to outline his plans for world golf domination

“First I’ll beat Uncle George, then Uncle Pete, then Tiger and Rory.”

When asked about a timetable for this blitzkrieg through golf’s finest, there was a pause and a thoughtful scratch of the head, before a serous look accompanying the answer.

“Uncle George and Uncle Pete when I’m six, then Tiger and Rory the next year.”  

There’s nothing like ambition I guess!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Summer 2012 - Getting in the Swing

After a promising start to the league, 4th in the Gross competition of the first event, things looked rosy, but a couple of lower finishes 8th and 9th  followed. Not perturbed the little golfer spent some more WABOOOFING time on the range, and slowly the distance travel by the little white projectile began to increase, as did the general sounds of excitement made by the launcher controller.. 
After three events, he was still on a local Competition Handicap of 27 – (the Max). Though when we asked him if he would win the chirpy chap responded with a cheeky ‘Of course I will daddy…” that told me then it seemed. So with The now infamous ‘George Pig’ shirt washed and ironed, we waited for the next round with some excitement.

Spring 2012 - Party Golf

Glen bringing order to the chaos!

Have you ever had that fear of what to do for your Childs 5th birthday? It’s there first year at school and you know they are going to invite half the class? Well being that both his parents are somewhat of a disaster when it comes to organization, we hit upon the perfect solution…
A party at the golf club consisting of 3 cunningly planned stages...
1. A room full of balloons,
2. A trip to the range for group ‘lesson’
3. Jelly and ice cream for afters.. (tea and coffee for the grown ups of course)
Strangely it all went rather well, which leaves us with the question of what on earth will we do next year! Special thanks have to go to the two brave souls (Glen and Tara) who successfully dealt with/managed the gaggle of excitable, club wielding youngsters.

Spring 2012 - New Year, New Clubs, New Adventures

After ironing out his little oddities and concocting interesting new ‘Technical’ terms for various shots such as...

The Drive:- The WABOOOOOF!
The Pitch:- The Plerdonk
The Chip:- The Chippie Chipper
The Putt:- The Tippy Tappy

Armed with such a killer vocabulary and rather cheeky ‘Happy dance’ reserved for those especially good shots, the little guy was ready to take on the Lannock Links Lions Cubs league… Would the power of the WABOOOOF, and the crazy bottom waggling happy dance,  be enough to tame the field? If not perhaps the lucky 'George Pig' shirt would suffice. Time would tell.

Summer 2011 - Time to get serious… well nearly…

Now we’re getting somewhere! However there’s still a few things that aren’t quite right, firstly how can he hit the ball so far with a cack-handed grip and there’s a bit of wobble going on, thus it’s time to call in the experts.. back to range and a chat with the fellows at the Crown Golf Academy – (Chesfield Downs – Hertfordshire)  and sure enough the little chap picks up the grip and becomes less wobbly on those pins. Note to self lessons are good it seems… perhaps I should have some too…..

Ps Watch out Tiger..

Summer 2010 - Welcome to jungle! (Par three if you prefer)

With the range ‘tamed’ the world of par three golf was now ready to be tackled, a chance to combine the big hits with the little hits… Also it provided a chance to sample the caddy service ,provided by Nana. On our journey around the course we also discovered that the putter can be used as a toy gun, and a walking stick. Also it appears that rabbits like to hide from cheeky three year old’s brandishing metal, club-like objects.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Late Spring 2010 - My first clubs…

As the weather began to drift from cold, horrible, torrential, heavy and depressing rain commonly associated with Winter in England, to a slightly less depressing form of precipitation, the ‘fair weather’ golfers began to emerge from their winter hibernation and head for the fairways.
This was a fact not missed by one their newest devotees, the little guy. In truth is was more of decent on the golf range rather than fairways and at this point the back garden had become somewhat more damaged than previously anticipated. And so with the new clubs ‘fully tested in the Argos special net, the mini golfer and his equipment were rapidly introduced to the excitement of the golf range.
Without to much preamble the wee man was loaded up with 50 balls in his bay (it wasn’t a busy day) and left to do his worst…Once again I was to be amazed, as a typical ‘hack’ my first few warm-up swings were tops and fat shots, whilst the cheeky mini me blasted ball after ball a consistent 40 to 50 yards with his three wood….the joys of youth!

Summer 2009 - when the clubs were just a little too big…

Daddy! look what I found!

Once upon a time in an unassuming garden in Hertfordshire, a golf obsessed father lay his trusty seven iron on the floor and nipped inside to answer a phone call on the land line. As is usual with daytime calls, it was a cold call from an automated sales system, and thus quickly cut off. However in that small space of time, an even smaller set of hands had found the resting golf club and had begun attempting to a hit the little white ball in the somewhat larger white net, the little monkey also, (perhaps inadvertently) had managed a little hedge trimming in the process. Naturally the aforementioned father was both impressed (as the ball had left the floor) and more than a little concerned. After all, a two half year old with a full size golf club and a ear to ear grin is a recipe for white hairs and signs of early ageing to appear…A situation only made worse by the fact that the plastic ELC set and foam practice balls, now lay truly abandoned in favor of this new weapon of mass garden destruction… Golf it seemed was now on the list of back garden activities… and for rainy days, (a common phenomenon in the UK) Tiger Woods 2007 on the PS2 proved to be the ‘obvious’ alternative.
No more Plastic Clubs for meeeeeeee