Saturday, October 12, 2013

Autumn 2013 – Somewhat unexpected….

Given the Shorty mans run of form in the Lannock’s links competitions this year, a solitary best finish of 5th and a bunch of mid and lower end finishes, it seemed like we were just going through the motions. But persist we did and unlike last time tiredness was not an issue and Chief coach daddy, was back in the caddy seat.. Thus with limited expectations (ie a 45/44 for a 5th ish finish) we waited for his tee off. What followed was quite impressive. Four pars off the first four holes and plenty of happy dances! 5 & 6 were in the Boo-boo territory (oddly enough a 5 & 6) but a finish of par, bogie, bogie finish meant the cheeky chappie went home with a quite impressive round of  34! And first place in his age group! Whilst the Order of Merit may be out the window this season, at least he going to get a medal (his first Gold in the Lannock links!) Well done Aaron!!! Uncle Pete better watch out!

Autumn 2013 - Evolution of the Golf Garden

Goodbye pesky lawn....
After the excitement of Foxhills, came the reality check of the Lannock links Championship and a lowly 3rd from bottom finish. Tiredness and missing head coach (Daddy) seemed to be the main causes of this not so hot performance, however the next stage of the plan was under way.. Earlier in the year we had been on the Phone to Huxley Golf and sized up a putting green in the back garden. And thus the master plan was put into action. ‘Daddy’ had the fun job of lifting the turf, to help out the ‘Huxley Man’ (As named by shortie). Thus followed three days of lifting shifting, rolling digging brushing etc.. but the final result was a nifty 15 by 18 putting green with 4 holes and plenty of cheeky challenges.. Would it be enough to help the Wee man with his Achilles heel.. time will tell. It did however meet with wide eyed wonder when completed and putting fun began in earnest. The next job of painting the house was far less exciting....

....Hello putting green.